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The Culture of Information
ENGL 25 — Winter 2003, Alan Liu
Notes for Class 20

This page contains materials intended to facilitate class discussion (excerpts from readings, outlines of issues, links to resources, etc.). The materials are not necessarily the same as the instructor's teaching notes and are not designed to represent a full exposition or argument. This page is subject to revision as the instructor finalizes preparation. (Last revised 2/27/03 )

Preliminary Class Business

  • Literary and Artistic Responses to Information as Work and Power (works that respond to or criticize the postindustrial paradigm):

    • Cyberpunk Fiction

    • Viral Art

Cyberpunk Fiction

Erich Schneider, quoted in The Cyberpunk Project's page on Cyberpunk as a Science Fiction Genre:

* "Cyberpunk literature, in general, deals with marginalized people in technologically-enhanced cultural 'systems'. In cyberpunk stories' settings, there is usually a 'system' which dominates the lives of most 'ordinary' people, be it an oppressive government, a group of large, paternalistic corporations, or a fundamentalist religion. * These systems are enhanced by certain technologies (today advancing at a rate that is bewildering to most people), particularly 'information technology' (computers, the mass media), making the system better at keeping those within it inside it. * Often this technological system extends into its human 'components' as well, via brain implants, prosthetic limbs, cloned or genetically engineered organs, etc. Humans themselves become part of 'the Machine'. This is the 'cyber' aspect of cyberpunk. * However, in any cultural system, there are always those who live on its margins, on 'the Edge': criminals, outcasts, visionaries, or those who simply want freedom for its own sake. Cyberpunk literature focuses on these people, and often on how they turn the system's technological tools to their own ends. This is the 'punk' aspect of cyberpunk."

The first note from Fredric Jameson's Postmodernism, or The Culture Logic of Late Capitalism (1991):

"This is the place to regret the absence from this book of a chapter on cyberpunk, henceforth,for many of us, the supreme literary expression if not of postmodernism, then of late capitalism itself."

"Cyperspace" as Jameson's missing "cognitive map" of postindustrialism (cf., Tim Bray's visualizations of Web space)

Welcome to the Matrix!

Wachowski brothers, The Matrix (1999):

[poster 1] [still 2] [still 3]

William Gibson, Neuromancer (1984), p. 51:

"Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation, by children being taught mathematical concepts. . . . A graphic representation of data abstracted from the banks of every computer in the human system. Unthinkable complexity. Lines of light ranged in the nonspace of the mind, clusters and constellations of data. Like city lights, receding. . . ."


William Gibson's Neuromancer and Cyberpunk Fiction: A Bibliography

Influences on Cyperpunk Fiction

Literary precedents: (Gibson originally an English major)

     Thomas Pynchon

from Larry McCaffery, "An Interview with William Gibson" (1986)

Gibson: Pynchon has been a favorite writer and a major influence all along. In many ways I see him as almost the start of a certain mutant pop culture imagery with esoteric historical and scientific information. Pynchon is a kind of mythic hero of mine, and I suspect that if you talk with a lot of recent SF writers you'll find they've all read Gravity's Rainbow (1973) several times and have been very much influenced by it. I was into Pynchon early on- I remember seeing a New York Times review of V. when it first came out- I was just a kid- and thinking, Boy, that sounds like some really weird shit!

See Gibson's latest novel, Pattern Recognition (NY Times review by Lisa Zeidner):

After a burglar tampers with the Mac she's been using, Cayce finds herself on the trail of what may be an international conspiracy or may, like the footage itself, be merely ''an illusion of meaningfulness, faulty pattern recognition.'' As an ode to paranoia, ''Pattern Recognition'' resembles not that Pynchonian bible, ''Gravity's Rainbow,'' but ''The Crying of Lot 49.'' In fact, it can almost be read as a tribute or, as Hollywood would say, a remake. After all, when Pynchon explored entropy, counterculture and the postal monopoly in 1966, there was no Internet.

    Sci-Fi precedents:

  • "New Wave" science fiction of 1960s-70s

    [from SF Timeline 1960-1970:] "The psychedelic 1960's love-generation political revolution hippie "drugs, sex, rock & roll" era penetrated science fiction with a movement called "The New Wave", characterized by stylistic experiment, rejection of standards, emphasis on relevance, bold and sometimes obscene language, and altered states of consciousness. This movement reached its high point in Harlan Ellison [as editor] "Dangerous Visions" (Garden City NY: Doubleday), the most important anthology of the decade by far. "
    • Harlan Ellison (Dangerous Visions story series; "A Boy and His Dog", 1969)

  • Phillip K. Dick (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, 1968; Ridley Scott's Bladerunner, 1982)

  • Vernor Vinge, True Names (1981) ["high-resolution EEGs as input/output devices," "the Other Plane," "true names"]

Influence of popular and media culture

from Larry McCaffery, "An Interview with William Gibson" (1986)

[Gibson on how he thought of "cyberspace"]: I was walking down Granville Street, Vancouver's version of "The Strip," and I was looking into one of the video arcades. I could see in the physical intensity of their postures how rapt the kids inside were. It was like one of those closed systems out of a Pynchon novel: a feedback loop with photons coming off the screens into the kids' eyes, neurons moving through their bodies, and electrons moving through the video game. These kids clearly believed in the space games projected. Everyone I know who works with computers seems to develop a belief that there's some kind of actual space behind the screen, someplace you can't see but you know is there.

  • popular culture as communicated through media:

    • video games, film, TV, music

    • genres: detective, gangster, Western, Hong Kong kung-fu, Japanese samurai, Spaghetti Western (Gibson's characters as media pastiches ("cowboy," "gangster," "moll," "samurai") (p. 213)

  • the countercultural and subcultural "edge" of popular culture: "street" culture, drugs, gangs, Rastafarianism, "punk," "kung fu," hackers

Well-Known Cyperpunk Writers
    William Gibson
    • Neuromancer (NY: Berkley, 1984) (won Hugo, Nebula, and Phillip K. Dick awards) (Japanese translation by Hisashi Kuroma in 1985)
    • Count Zero (NY: Arbor House, 1986)
    • Burning Chrome (NY: Arbor House, 1986)
    • Mona Lisa Overdrive (NY: Bantam, 1988)
    • Screenplay for Aliens III
    • (with Bruce Sterling) The Difference Engine (NY: Bantam, 1990)
    • Virtual Light (NY: Bantam, 1993)
    • Idoru (NY: Berkley, 1996)
    • All Tomorrow's Parties (NY: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1999)
    • Pattern Recognition (NY: Putnam, 2003)
    • Agrippa (A Book of the Dead), engravings by Dennis Ashbaugh (NY: Kevin Begos Publishing, 1992)

    Bruce Sterling
    • The Artificial Kid (NY: Ace, 1980)
    • Schismatrix (NY: Arbor House, 1985)
    • ed., Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology (NY: Arbor House, 1986)
    • Islands in the Net (NY: Morrow, 1988)
    • Crystal Express (Sauk City, Wisc.: Arkham House, 1989)
    • Holy Fire (NY: Bantam, 1996)
    • A Good Old-Fashioned Future (NY: Bantam, 1999)
    • The Hacker Crackdown: Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier (New York: Bantam, 1992); also available online as freeware from numerous sources, including versions with a Preface and Epilogue added in 1994 (e.g., <>)

    Neal Stephenson
    • Snow Crash (NY: Bantam, 1992)
    • The Diamond Age, or, A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer (NY: Bantam, 1995)
    • Cryptonomicon (NY: Avon, 1999)
    • In the Beginning Was the Command Line (New York: Avon, 1999); also downloadable as a zipped text file from <>

    Some authors sharing a similar "cyber" and/or "punk" universe:

    • Greg Bear, Blood Music (NY: Arbor House, 1985)
    • Pat Cadigan
      • Mindplayers (NY: Bantam, 1987)
      • Synners ((NY: Bantam, 1991)
    • Greg Egan, Diaspora (NY: Harper, 1998)
    • Jeff Noon, Nymphomation (Trafalgar, 2000)
    • Rudy Rucker
      • Software (NY: Ace, 1982)
      • Wetware (NY: Avon, 1988)

Selected Secondary Works

Larry McCaffery, ed., Storming the Reality Studio: A Casebook of Cyberpunk and Postmodern Science Fiction (Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 1991); contains a nice selection of essays and interviews on cyberpunk. Esp. useful:

  • Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr., "Cyberpunk and Neuromanticism"
  • Veronica Hollinger, "Cybernetic Deconstructions: Cyberpunk and Postmodernism"
  • Brooks Landon, "Bet On It: Cyber/video/punk performance"
  • Timothy Leary, "The Cyberpunk: The Individual as Reality Pilot"
  • Larry McCaffery
    • "An Interview with William Gibson"
    • "Cutting Up: Cyberpunk, Punk Music, and Urban Decontextualizations"
  • Brian McHale, "POSTcyberMODERNpunkISM"
  • Bruce Sterling, "Preface" from Mirrorshades
  • Darko Suvin, "On Gibson and Cyberpunk SF"
  • Takayuki Tatsumi, "The Japanese Reflection of Mirrorshades"

Andrew Ross, "Cyberpunk in Boystown," in his Strange Weather: Culture, Science, and Technology in the Age of Limits (London: Verso, 1991) [an acid critique of cyberpunk in the mode of British Retro-Marxist meets North American Cyber-Macho-Boys from Suburbia]

Scott Bukatman

  • Terminal Identity: The Virtual Subject in Postmodern Science Fiction (Durham, NC: Duke Univ. Press, 1993)
  • "Gibson's Typewriter," South Atlantic Quarterly 92 (1994): 627-45

Michael Benedict, ed., Cyberspace: First Steps (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1992) [on the construction of computer "cyberspace"]

Impact on Recent Films
  • Johnny Mnemonic (1995), dir. Robert Longo [story and screenplay by William Gibson]

  • The Matrix, dir. Wachowski brothers (1999)

  • eXistenZ, dir. David Cronenberg (1999)

Plan for lectures on Neuromancer

  • Today: "extrinsic" approach to the "world" of the novel (the contexts, background, and setting)

  • Next lecture: "intrinsic" interpretation of the narrative and characters of the novel

Neuromancer: An Imagination of the Postindustrial World

Written in the 1980s-90s during the same period as the encounter of American corporations with the new Japanese business model, global competition, knowledge work, information technology, and restructuring, cyberpunk is the literary equivalent of books like Workplace 2000 or The Virtual Corporation. It is an imagination of postindustrialism, but a "kinked" one.

Why start with the background "world" in which Gibson sets his novel?

A World of Media and New Media

from Larry McCaffery, "An Interview with William Gibson" (1986):

McCaffery: There are so many references to rock music and television in your work that it sometimes seems your writing is as much influenced by MTV as by literature. What impact have other media had on your sensibility?

Gibson: Probably more than fiction. . . . I've been influenced by Lou Reed, for instance, as much as I've been by any "fiction" writer. I was going to use a quote from an old Velvet Underground song—"Watch out for worlds behind you" (from "Sunday Morning")—as an epigraph for Neuromancer.

Neuromancer as a remix of old media (TV, film, books and magazines, "dub" music)

  • Ashpool's dead-media collection

    "The room was very large, cluttered with an assortment of things that made no sense to Case. He saw a gray steel rack of old-fashioned Sony monitors . . . Molly's eyes darted from a huge Telefunken entertainment console to shelves of antique disk recordings, their crumbling spines cased in clear plastic, to a wide worktable littered with slabs of silicon." (p. 183)

  • A prophecy of new media

    • simstim (Tally Isham, Sense/Net star; the Panthern Moderns as terrorist media artists)

    • cyberspace (or the matrix)

    • hybrid simstim/cyberspace media (Case "flipping" into Molly's sensorium; Wintermute's and Neuromancer's avatars)
A World of Postindustrial Corporations (compare features of the new business described in previous lectures)

A world where "biz" is life

  • Case, businessman (p. 145)

  • The dominance of corporate "arcologies" and zaibatsus" (pp. 37, 203)

    Paolo Soleri's Arcosanti Project: The Hyper Building "Arcology"

    Zaibatsu: "A Japanese conglomerate or cartel [Japanese zai wealth . . . batsu powerful person or family . . ." (American Heritage Talking Dictionary, ver. 4.0)

    cf. Neal Stephenson's "phyles" and "claves" in The Diamond Age (1995), pp. 260-61:

         "Why do the Vickys have such a big clave?" Nell asked. . . .
          "Well, each phyle has a different way, and some ways are better suited to making money than others, so some have a lot of territory and others don't"
          "What do you mean, a different way?"
          "To make money you have to work hard—to live your life a certain way. The Atlantans [Vicky's] all live that way, it's part of their culture. The Nipponese too. So the Nipponese and the Atlantans have as much money as all the other phyles put together."

  •   (cf., Eric S. Nylund, Signal to Noise, 1998)

A world of business as radical change and "creative destruction"

  • E.g., the new technology that allows the Chiba city black-market biotech firm to leapfrog competition; corporate assassinations, kidnappings, and defections in later Gibson novels

A world of global competition

  • Paradigm of Japan, Inc.

  • Hybrid Japanese, American ("Sprawl"), European scene of the novel

  • Fusion culture: (pp. 9, 19)

  • Freeside as the epitome of globalism (a free port like Hong Kong, except extraterrestrial)

A world of knowledge work and information technology

  • Case, knowledge worker (cf., "Johnny" Mnemonic, Molly's ex)

  • Molly, manual worker (except even manual work is now "smart"-enabled through biotech and silicon implants)

A world of restructuring

  • Gibson's meditation on the corporate organizational form (to be discussed later)

A world of teamworking: Case's multidisciplinary work "team"

  • facilitator: Armitage

  • IT specialist: Case

  • Security: Molly

  • Electronic countermeasures: Finn

  • Con man/salesman: Riviera

  • Transportation: Maelcum (of Zion)

  • Consultant: Pauly McCoy (aka Dixie, Flatline)

  • Outsourced media specialists: Panthern Moderns

Neuromancer: A Counter-Imagination of the Postindustrial World

[continued in next lecture]