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The Culture of Information
ENGL 25 — Winter 2003, Alan Liu
Notes for Class 7

This page contains materials intended to facilitate class discussion (excerpts from readings, outlines of issues, links to resources, etc.). The materials are not necessarily the same as the instructor's teaching notes and are not designed to represent a full exposition or argument. This page is subject to revision as the instructor finalizes preparation. (Last revised 1/22/03 )

Preliminary Class Business

  • Read ahead in Thomas Pynchon, The Crying of Lot 49
  • Books at bookstore?

Information Paradigm Signature Technologies Logical Architecture Peak Epoch (Period of Monopolistic or Cartel Dominance)
* Information as Mass Media Radio, Photography, Film, TV, Magazines Broadcast Model 1920s-1970s
* Information
as Communication
Telecom, Radio, Cryptography Transmission Model 1940s-70s
(ATT breakup in 1984)
* Information as Mainframe Computing Mainframes and Minicomputers, Databases Centralized information services 1950s-1970s
* Information as Personal Computing/ Networking/
"New Media"
PC's, Networks (LAN's, WAN's), Graphical User Interface (GUI), the Software Revolution, Hypertext Client/Server Architecture 1980s-2000s

Paradigm of Mainframe Computing (review):

Conceptual Paradigm

  • (1) The Digital Principle

    • Digital principle is mathematically general:

      Herman Goldstine, The Computer from Pascal to von Neumann, p. 143:

      "[The digital approach] is the realization that a machine can be built to imitate the human method of calculating: to count and to build up the elementary operations—addition, subtraction, multiplication, division—by counting. Not only can this be done but it may be shown that, in general, mathematical formulations may be handled by means of these elementary operations. . . . suffice it to say that for our purposes numerical mathematics can be built up out of the elementary processes of counting, and therefore that this approach has a very real sense of universality or general purposeness about it."

    • Digital principle (specifically, base-two system) is logically general:

      George Boole (1815-1864) and the Boolean fusion of algebra and logic:

      "Let us conceive, then, of an Algebra in which the symbols x, y, z, &c. admit indifferently of the values 0 and 1, and of these values alone. The laws, the axioms, and the processes, of such an Algebra will be identical in their whole extent with the laws, the axioms, and the processes of an Algebra of Logic."

      Such logic was suited to the new, fast technology: vacuum tubes, relays, transistors (definition; William Shockley's early "sandwich transistor"), Claude Shannon's master's thesis on the relation between switching circuits and Boolean algebra.

      In a sense, the generality of digital mathematics and logic compensated for the "crisis of mathematics" earlier in the 20th century: Kurt Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem

  • (2) The von Neumann computer architecture
    (First formulated in von Neumann's A First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC (June 1945):

    • Sequential, linear calculation (counting and accumulating operations)

    • Separation of processing from memory

    • Stored program principle:
      • Fast access to both instructions and data
      • Equivalence of programming instructions and data (both are "writable")

  • In essence: a new model of "thinking"

  • Compare literary treatments of the problem of memory (e.g., Pynchon, Gibson, Falco, Coverley)


  • Hardware Setup:

  • Typical Software: custom-coded, proprietary, "vertical" applications

  • Theater of Operation: the "vertically-integrated" company (autonomous, non-networked to the outside world)

Social and Cultural Paradigm (Cold War Paradigm):

  • Colossus: The Forbin Project (1969)
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) [HAL] [Monolith]
  • Mark Poster, The Second Media Age (Cambridge: Polity, 1995), p. 86: "The population is now cognizant of being surveilled constantly by databases and it apparently feels ill at ease as a result. Database anxiety has not of yet developed into an issue of national political prominence but it is clearly a growing concern of many and bespeaks a new level of what Foucault calls the normalization of the population" (Poster is discussing the database as "super-panopticon")
  • Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, trans. Alan Sheridan (New York: Vintage, 1979)
  • Jeremy Bentham, The Works of Jeremy Bentham, vol. 4 (Edinburgh: William Tait, 1843) (on the Panopticon)

Personal Computing (late 1970s-2000s)

Chiat/Day ads:

IBM PC and Charlie Chaplin as the Little Tramp (1982) (contrast Chaplin in Modern Times, 1936)

Apple's "1984" commercial

  • Triggering problem: how to get computing to the individual (and out of the MIS bunker).

  • Social/cultural context: (see Martin Campbell-Kelly & William Aspray)

    • (a) the computer "hobbyists"
    • (b) 1970s counterculture
    • (c) computer science grad students and the general influence of universities during the 1970s

  • Existing solutions inadequate:

    • the "mini-computer"
    • "time-sharing"
    • "the computer utility"

  • Foundational technologies of the 1960s-70s

    The Invention of the Personal Computer:

  • 1975: Altair 8800 (first microprocessor computer); Bill Gates and Paul Allen develop a BASIC programming system for the machine; Microsoft forms in 1975; contracts with IBM in 1980 to create MS-DOS operating system

    Creation of the Homebrew Computer Club in Menlo Park, CA (near Palo Alto and Stanford U.); Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak attend the Club meetings, create the first crude "Apple" in a few weeks; Apple II in 1976-77

    Jobs visits Xerox Parc in 1979 and sees the GUI interface; Apple's Macintosh computer in 1984

  • 1978-80: Creation of the early "killer apps" (applications) for the personal computer that would soon make it de rigeur in the business world: the spreadsheet (VisiCalc), word-processing (WordStar)

  • 1981: IBM's PC Personal Computer introduces personal computing to the workplace (by 1984, 35% of the business information technology market is captured by PCs)

Networking (1970s-2000s)

  • Key developments of the 1970s:

    • 1973: Invention of Ethernet

    • 1970: Creation of the ARPAnet or ancestral Internet (one of the original four nodes of the net is UCSB) (see Richard T. Griffiths, "From ARPANET to World Wide Web")

    • 1974: Invention of TCP/IP protocol

    • Appearance of the modem

  • Key developments of the 1980's

    • Dominance of "client/server" paradigm in the office (as opposed to "dumb terminal/mainframe"); rise of LANs (Local Area Networks)

    • Rapid extension of WANs (Wide Area Networks), especially the Internet

    • Increase in modem speeds
  • 1990s: The Decade of Convergence (convergence of personal computing and WAN/telecom networking)

    • 1991: Commercial use of the Internet (previously a military and educational domain); privatization of the Internet "backbone" by 1995

    • 1992: Invention of World Wide Web

    • 1993-94: Mosaic and Netscape Web browsers. Key feature: brought navigation by GUI "windows" and by hypertext links together to create the now dominant information interface in the network age

    • Five million Internet hosts (servers) by 1995

    • TCP/IP used for the Internet now used in the LAN context to create "intranets"

Paradigm of Personal Computing/Networking

Conceptual Paradigm:
  • The "Client/Server" principle (personal computer or workstation networked to a microprocessor-based server). Applications and processing distributed between client and server machines. Example: accessing and rendering a Web page

  • The "Packet" principle (TCP/IP)

  • The "Network" principle (for visualizations, see for example An Atlas of Cyberspaces)

    • decentralized or multi-centralized / non-hierarchical or multi-hierarchical

    • "emergent" complexity / "hive" behavior

Social and Cultural Paradigm: (to be continued in future lectures): (see sections in course schedule on Information as Work and Power and Information as Identity)

Definition of TCP/IP (the Internet protocol for "packet-switched" information transmission)

from Microsoft Press Computer Dictionary, 3rd. ed. (Redmond, Wash.: Microsoft Press, 1997):

  • TCP: "The protocol within TCP/IP that governs the breakup of data messages into packets to be sent via IP, and the reassembly and verification of the complete messages from packets received by IP"
  • IP: "The protocol within TCP/IP that governs the breakup of data messages into packets, the routing of the packets from sender to destination network and station, and the reassembly of the packets into the original data messages at the destination."
  • Packet-Switching: "A message-delivery technique in which small units of information (packets) are relayed through stations in a computer network along the best route available between the source and the destination. A packet-switching network handles information in small units, breaking long messages into multiple packets before routing. Although each packet may travel along a different path, and the packets composing a message may arrive at different times or out of sequence, the receiving computer reassembles the original message correctly [ . . . ]. The Internet is an example of a packet-switching network."
  • Packet: "In packet-switching networks, a transmission unit of fixed maximum size that consists of binary digits representing both data and a header containing an identification number, source and destination addresses, and sometimes error-control data."


  • History of Computing
    • Herman H. Goldstine, The Computer from Pascal to von Neumann (Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1993)
    • Joan Greenbaum, Windows on the Workplace: Computers, Jobs, and the Organization of Office Work in the Late Twentieth Century (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1995)

  • Other Resources
    • Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, trans. Alan Sheridan (New York: Vintage, 1979)
    • Jeremy Bentham, The Works of Jeremy Bentham, vol. 4 (Edinburgh: William Tait, 1843) (on the Panopticon)
    • William Gibson and Bruce Sterling, The Difference Engine (New York: Bantam, 1991)
    • Mark Poster, The Second Media Age (Cambridge: Polity, 1995)