Reconfiguring Romanticism in the Information Age
A Special Session, Modern Language Assoc. Convention
Held on Dec. 29, 1996
Sheraton Washington, Washington, D. C.

(This page created 5/29/96, last revised 2/26/97.)
Related Sessions at MLA '96

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The following are session at MLA '96 was especially relevant to the "Canon and Web" topic. Many other sessions were held on topics relating to one or other side of the canon/web equation--e.g., sessions on canon revision or on literature and the Internet.

Of Special Relevance:
Title Time Location Participants
Anthologizing Romanticism Sunday,
Dec. 29, 1996
Atrium 2,
Sheraton Washington
Susan Wolfson
Peter Manning
Richard Matlak
Anne Mellor
Jack Stillinger
Duncan Wu
Participants in this session included the editors of many of the major recently-published or forthcoming Romanticism anthologies of the past few years, and revolved around the challenges, and problems, of the continuing project of anthologizing Romantic-era writing for the commercial market--how to address the changing configuration of the field while retaining fidelity to the old favorites, how to think about the perspective of publishers' market-research teams, what the relation is between canon revision and the needs of teachers and students at the front lines, etc.

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Laura Mandell (Dept. of English, Miami U., Ohio) and Alan Liu (Dept. of English, U. California, Santa Barbara). You can write both of us together at this address.