English 114EM: Links on the Authors
Useful general resources concering 18th century women writers:
The Bibliography of Early Women Writers
A brief biography with some links to works available online by Astell (including Serious Proposal and Some Reflections on Marriage)
A brief biography of Astell in light of her philosophical contributions
Women Writers Project biography of Astell
Short biography of Astell
A good bibliography of recent Behn criticism
The homepage of the Aphra Behn Society
Ruth Nesvold's page on Aphra Behn, containing some good online articles about Behn, particularly Oroonoko
Online reproductions of some Behn poetry
An undergraduate class page with some good links to Behn discussions and articles pertaining to Oroonoko
A pretty good online biography of Behn, albeit with some commercial links
Finch, Countess of Winchelsea
Online biography of Anne Finch
Online reproductions of Finch's poetry from an undergraduate class taught by Michael Gamer, U Penn
More online reproductions of Finch's poetry
Chapter outlines from a book prospectus on Finch by Ellen Moody
WWP biography of Lennox
The Early Women Writers biography of Lennox
A strange annotated version of Female Quixote highlighting Lennox's use of medical terminology
Fowler Haywood
WWP biography of Haywood
Chronology of British writers containing references to Haywood
Bibliography of Haywood's works and recent scholarship
Critical essay on British Feminist Writers with remarks about Haywood
Discussion list thread comparing Haywood's views on love and marriage to Jane Austen's
The WWP (Women Writers Project) biography of Manley
A personal homepage with Manley biography
Page containing only a picture of a rare New Atlantis edition
Mary Wortley Montagu
A link to a brief biography, bibliography, and online works of Montagu's poetry and prose
More online reproductions of Montagu's poetry
Online reproduction of Dining with the Sultana from Montagu's letters
A short biography of Philips
A useful bibliography of Philips's work and some recent criticism
U Toronto's online database of poetic works by Philips
Online reproductions of some Philips poems
A discussion list thread regarding Millenium Hall
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This page has been explicitly designed for educational purposes and images should not be reproduced.
This page has been designed by Denee Pescarmona for English 114EM: Women Writers, 1650-1760, taught by Professor Elizabeth Heckendorn Cook.
This page last updated on September 22, 2003.