Revised July 2002

Photograph of Paul HernadiPaul Hernadi

Emeritus Professor of English and Comparative Literature
University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106


Imagination and the Adapted Mind (1999 Santa Barbara conference)

"The Tropical Landscapes of Proverbia" (1999)
"Literature and Evolution" (2001)
"Perché la letteratura: una prospettiva evoluzionistica" Studi di estetica #23, terza serie, vol. 29 (2001): 11-38.
"Irodalom és Evolúció," Magyar Tudomány, New Series 47:1 (2002), pp. 78-84.
"Why Is Literature: A Co-Evolutionary Perspective on Imaginative Worldmaking" (Poetics Today Spring 2002)


Cultural Transactions (May 2000)
"Entertaining Commitments" (July 2000)


Employment (see department web page for current courses)
Selected Professional Activities
Selected Honors and Awards

Books Authored
Books Edited
Journal Special Issues Guest-Edited
Articles in Books and Periodicals




Born 11-9-1936 in Budapest, Hungary
Married, two grown children
U.S. Citizen


Studies in Music, Béla Bartók Conservatory of Budapest (1951-55)
Studies in Hungarian and world literature, University of Budapest (1955-56)
Ph.D. in History of the Theater, University of Vienna (1963)
Dissertation: "Pseudohistorische Gestalten in der Nachkriegsdramatik"
Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, Yale University (1967)
Dissertation: "Concepts of Genre in Twentieth-Century Criticism"


1967-69 Assistant Professor of German, Colorado College
1969-75 Associate Professor of German and Comparative Literature, University of Rochester
1975-84 Professor of English and Comparative Literature, University of Iowa
1984 - 2001 Professor of English and Comparative Literature, UCSB
  1988-92 Director, Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, UCSB
Jan. 1994 - Dec. 1996   Dean of Humanities and Fine Arts, UCSB
2002 - present Emeritus Professor of English and Comparative Literature, UCSB

Selected Professional Activities

1977-80: Chair, Program in Comparative Literature, University of Iowa
1977-81: Executive Secretary, Midwest Modern Language Association
1983-85: Member, Advisory Board, American Comparative Literature Association
1983-86: Member, Executive Council, Modern Language Association of America
1982-87: Review Editor for American books, Poetics Today
1983-87: Member, MLA Commission on Writing and Literature
1985 - present: Member, Editorial (now Advisory) Board, Style
1987 - present: Member, International Editorial Board, Poetics Today
1994-95: Member, MLA Nominating Committee


Selected Honors and Awards

1973-74 Resident Fellow, Wesleyan Center for the Humanities
1978, 80 Director, NEH Summer Seminars for College Teachers on "Modern Historical Tragicomedy" (University of Iowa)

Fellowship for Independent Study and Research, National Endowment for the Humanities

1985 Benedict Distinguished Visiting Professor of English, Carleton College

Co-Director, NEH Summer Institute for university and college teachers on "Goethe's Faust and the Humanities Curriculum" (University of California, Santa Barbara)

1992 Director, International Conference "Interpreting Goethe's Faust Today," sponsored by the Goethe Institutes of Boston, Los Angeles, and New York, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, the UC Humanities Research Institute, the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, and the Max Kade Foundation (University of California, Santa Barbara)
1999 Director, International Conference "Imagination and the Adapted Mind," co-sponsored by the UC Humanities Research Institute



Books Authored

Cultural Transactions: Nature, Self, Society (Cornell Univ. Press, 1995). Abstract, Contents, and Prologue.

Interpreting Events: Tragicomedies of History on the Modern Stage (Cornell Univ. Press, 1985). Abstract.

Beyond Genre: New Directions in Literary Classification (Cornell Univ. Press, 1972). Abstract.

Teoría de los géneros literarios (Barcelona: Bosch, 1978; Spanish trans. of Beyond Genre)


Books Edited

Interpreting Goethe's Faust Today, co-edited with Jane K. Brown et al (Camden House, 1994).

The Rhetoric of Interpretation and the Interpretation of Rhetoric (Duke Univ. Press, 1989)

The Horizon of Literature (Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1982)

What Is Criticism? (Indiana Univ. Press, 1981)

What Is Literature? (Indiana Univ. Press, 1978); Korean trans. (Changhak Publishing Co., 1983)


Journal Special Issues Guest-Edited

Objective, Subjective, Intersubjective Times (Time and Society 1:2, May 1992)

More Ways of Worldmaking (Journal of Aesthetic Education 25:1, Spring 1991)

The Rhetoric of Interpretation and the Interpretation of Rhetoric (Poetics Today 9:2, 1988)


Articles in Books and Periodicals

"Why Is Literature: A Co-Evolutionary Perspective on Imaginative Worldmaking," Poetics Today 23:1 (Spring 2002), pp. 21-42.

"Irodalom és Evolúció," Magyar Tudomány, New Series 47:1 (2002), pp. 78-84.

"Perché la letteratura: una prospettiva evoluzionistica." Studi di estetica #23, terza serie, vol. 29 (2001): 11-38.

"Literature and Evolution." SubStance #94-95, vol 30, nos 1-2 (2001): 55-71. Abstract.

"The Tropical Landscapes of Proverbia: A Crossdisciplinary Travelogue"  (with Francis Steen), Style 33. 1 (Spring 1999): 1-20. Abstract and full text.

"Criticism, Literary," Microsoft Encarta 98 Encyclopedia.

"Objective, Subjective, Intersubjective Times: Guest Editor's Introduction," Time and Society 1 (1992), pp. 147-158

"Re-presenting the Past: Saint Joan and L'Alouette," chapter 1 of Interpreting Events, reprinted in Joan of Arc, ed. Harold Bloom (Chelsea House: 1992), pp. 153-167

"Reconceiving Notation and Performance," Journal of Aesthetic Education 25:1 (1991), pp. 47-56

"Ratio Contained by Oratio: Northrop Frye on the Rhetoric of Nonliterary Prose," Visionary Poetics: Essays on Northrop Frye’s Criticism, ed. Robert D. Denham and Thomas Willard (New York: Lang, 1991), pp. 137-153

"Dramatic Theory," The Cambridge Guide to World Theatre ed. Martin Banham (Cambridge University Press, 1988), pp. 285-289

"Doing, Making, Meaning: Toward a Theory of Verbal Practice," PMLA 103:5 (1988), pp. 749-758

"Coverage and Discovery: The Case for Detrivializing the Trivium," ADE Bulletin #89 (1988), pp. 38-40

"Orden sin Fronteras: Últimas Contribuciones a la teoría del Género en los Países de Hable Inglessa," Spanish trans. of "Order Without Borders," Teoría de los géneros literarios, ed. Miguel A. Garrido Gallardo (Madrid: Arco, 1988), pp. 73- 94

"Of Things, Selves, and Singers: New Studies in the Theory of Theater," Poetics Today 8:2 (1987), pp. 439-445

"The Aims of Discourse Revisited: Reading and Writing Beyond Genre," ADE Bulletin #88 (1987), pp. 27-29

"Literary Interpretation and the Rhetoric of the Human Sciences," The Rhetoric of the Human Sciences, ed. John Nelson et al (Madison: U of Wisconsin Press, 1987), pp. 263- 275

"What Isn't Comparative Literature?," Profession 86 (New York: MLA, 1986), pp. 22-24

"Modern Martyr Plays Beyond Genre," Neohelicon 13 (1986), pp. 141-162

"Preface," to F. K. Stanzel, A Theory of Narrative (Cambridge University Press: 1984), pp. ix-xiv

"Nathan der Bürger: Lessings Mythos vom aufgeklärten Kaufmann,"reprinted, with a postscript, in Lessings Nathan der Weise, ed. Klaus Bohnen (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1984), pp. 340-349

"Entertaining Commitments: A Reception Theory of Literary Genres," Poetics 10 (1981), pp. 195-211. Full text.

"Literary Theory," Introduction to Scholarship in Modern Languages and Literatures, ed. Joseph Gibaldi (New York: MLA, 1981), pp. 98-115

"More Questions Concerning Quotation," Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 39 (1981), pp. 271-273

"Linnaeus Before Darwin: Response to Fredric Jameson," New Literary History 12 (1981), 379-380

"The Erotics of Retrospection: Historytelling, Audience Response, and the Strategies of Desire," New Literary History 12 (1981), 243-252

"On the How, What, and Why of Narrative," reprinted in On Narrative, ed. W.J.T. Mitchell, University of Chicago Press (1981), pp. 197-199

"On the How, What, and Why of Narrative," Critical Inquiry 7 (1980), pp. 201-203

"Dramatic Genres and the Esthetics of Reception," Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association, Vol. 2: Literary Communication and Reception, ed. Zoran Konstantinovic, Hans Robert Jauss, and Manfred Naumann (Innsbruck: 1980), pp. 65-70

"Who Is Afraid of Interpretation?," Society for Critical Exchange Reports #6 (1979), pp. 60-70

"Why We Can't Help Genre-alizing and How Not to Go About It," Centrum 6 (1978), pp. 27-31

"So What, How so, and the Form that Matters," Interpretation of Narrative, ed. M.J. Valdés and O.J. Miller (University of Toronto Press: 1978)

"Order without Borders: Recent Genre Theory in the English- Speaking Countries," Yearbook of Comparative Criticism 8, ed. J.P. Strelka (Penn State University Press) (1978), pp. 192- 208

"Literary Theory: A Compass for Critics," Critical Inquiry 3 (1976), pp. 369-386

"The Actor's Face as the Author's Mask: On the Paradox of Brechtian Staging," Yearbook of Comparative Criticism 7, ed. J.P. Strelka (Penn State University Press: 1976), 125-136

"Clio's Cousins: Historiography as Translation, Fiction, and Criticism," New Literary History 7 (1976), pp. 247-257

"Re-Presenting the Past: A Note on Narrative Historiography and Historical Drama," History and Theory 15 (1976), pp. 45- 51

"The Scope and Mood of Literary Works: Towards a Poetics Beyond Genre," Language, Logic, and Genre, ed. Wallace Martin (Bucknell University Press: 1974), pp. 44-54

"Lessings Misanthropen," Euphorion 68 (1974), pp. 113-118

"Dual Perspective: Free Indirect Discourse and Related Techniques," Comparative Literature 24 (1972), pp. 32-43

"Verbal Worlds Between Action and Vision: A Theory of theModes of Poetic Discourse," College English 33 (1971), pp. 18-31

"Nathan der Bürger: Lessings Mythos vom aufgeklärten Kaufmann," Lessing Yearbook 3 (1971), pp. 151-159

"Kritik und wie sie Wissen schafft," Neues Forum 14 (1967), pp. 183-186

"Das ungarische Theater," Das Atlantisbuch des Theaters, ed. M. Hürlimann (Zürich: 1966), pp. 758-764

"Die unbestechlichen Makler: Kritische Notizen zur amerikanischen Literaturwissenschaft," Stuttgarter Zeitung (August 6, 1966)

"Die Eigenart des Georg Lukács: Zum achtzigsten Geburtstag des umstrittenen Philosophen," Stuttgarter Zeitung (April 10, 1965)

"Die tragische Schuld der Emilia Galotti," 275 Jahre Theater in Braunschweig, ed. C.H. Bachmann and G. Frank (Braunschweig: 1965), pp. 100-104

"Von Kapitalisten und Misanthropen," Forum 11 (1964), pp.560-563

"Europäischer Ton--ungarische Akustik," Der Monat 16 (1964), pp. 68-72

"Ungarische Dichtung im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert," Wort in der Zeit 9 (1963), pp. 3-9

"Kein Totenschein für die Tragödie," Forum 10 (1963), pp. 297-299

"Ordnung ohne Grenzen," Forum 10 (1963), pp. 152-154

"László Németh: Die Revolution der Qualität," Wort in der Zeit 9 (1963), pp. 43-47

"Pseudohistorische Gestalten in der Nachkriegsdramatik," Forum, Vienna, 8 (1961), pp. 223-224 and 290-291

About thirty theater and book reviews in Neue Zeit (Graz), Salzburger Nachrichten, Stuttgarter Zeitung, Educational Theatre Journal, The German Quarterly, Comparative Literature,The Virginia Quarterly Review, Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Los Angeles Times, and other periodicals

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