The class meets Monday and Wednesday from 8:30 to 9:45 in Building 387, Room 104.
Office hours: 2:30 p.m. to 3:30, Monday and Wednesday (and by appointment), in 2721South Hall.
Phone: 893-4022.
E-mail address:; phone: 893-4022.
Class listserve:
Class webpage:
Required texts: Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales, ed. A.C. Cawley (Everyman paperback); Robert Miller, Chaucer: Sources and Backgrounds (Oxford paperback).
Requirements for the course: 1) regular (and punctual) attendance at lecture, preparation of the reading; 2) quizzes on language early in quarter, and a quiz on Chaucer and his times; 3) recitation from memory of first 18 lines of the General Prologue; 3) midterm examination; 4) critical paper due toward the end of the quarter; 5) final examination.
Breakdown of grading: The quizzes and the memory assignment,
combined, will count for 10 percent of the final grade, the midterm
15 percent, the final paper 45 percent, and the final examination 30 percent.
Please note: you must complete all of the assignments to receive
a passing grade in the course; missing assignments will not simply be averaged
as zeros.