Time: Thursdays, 3:30-4:15
Place: SH 2510 (EMC)
Instructor: Patricia Fumerton
Office SH 2506
Office Hours: W 3:00-3:30 pm. and by appt.
1) Regular attendance and participation.
2) One (1) question for each section meeting, written down and thought about as the springboard for class discussion. These questions must be handed in at the beginning of each class, and you must be prepared, if called upon, to lead the class discussion for 5-10 minutes about your question.
3) One of the following written presentations:
a) a review (1-2 pages) of a film adaptation of one of Shakespeare plays we are studying this quarter. In advance of writing your review, read newspaper and magazine reviews in order to get a feel for how a good review is written.
b) a rewriting of the ending to one of the plays we are studying (1-2 pages). This could be a change to Act 5 or a sequel to Act 5. Be creative and convincing (i.e., there should be elements in the play that make your imagined ending believable, or at least as believable as Shakespeare's).
c) a “take” on the situation of the play from one character’s perspective (1-2 pages). This presentation should be written in the first person and should show us the world of the play as seen through that person’s eyes. Again, you should be both imaginative and convincing in speaking the thoughts of your character.
Essays can be handed in at any time during the quarter but will be presented to the entire class the last day the class meets (Thursday, December 4). Those with especially enlightening and entertaining reports will be invited to deliver their presentations at the EMC's spring undergraduate student conference.