A Select Collection of Poems, from the Most Approved
Authors. 2 Volumes (Edinburgh: A. Donaldson, 1772; 2nd edition)
Information about the collection: no preface, headnotes, or years
of publication given [volume 1][volume
The Advertisement: "The Poems now offered to the Public
have been carefully selected by Gentlemen well known in the Poetical World;
and the Editor doubts not of their meeting with a favourable reception,
as they are undoubtedly the best Collection (of their size) in the English
language, yet offered to the public. The Publisher takes this opportunity
of returning his thanks to the Gentlemen who favoured him by selecting
the Materials for this collection." (November 1767)
Table of Contents, Volume 1:
- To the Right Honourable the Earl of Warwick, &c. on the death of
Mr. Addison. By Mr. Tickel.
- Colin and Lucy. By the same.
- Kensington Garden. By the same.
- The Spleen. An Epistle to Mr. C.J. By Mr. Green.
- An Epigram on the Rev. Mr. Laurence Echard's and Bp. Gilbert Burnet's
- London: a Poem. In imitation of the third satire of Juvenal. By
Samuel Johnson, A.M.
- Prologue, spoken by Mr. Garrick, at the opening of the Theatre in Drury-Lane.
By the same.
- The Ruins of Rome. A Poem. By Mr. Dyer.
- The School-Mistress. A Poem. In imitation of Spenser. By W. Shenstone,
- Ode, to a Lady, in 1745. By Mr. W. Collins.
- Ode, written in the same year. By the same.
- Ode to Evening. By the same.
- On a Lady's drinking the Bath waters. By the Earl of Chesterfield.
- Verses written in a Lady's Sherlock upon Death. By the same.
- Song. By the same.
- Song. By Lord Lyttleton.
- Ode, in imitation of Pastor Fido. By the same.
- To Miss Lucy F--, with Hammond's Elegies. By the same.
- To the Memory of the same Lady. A Monody. By the same.
- An Ode to William Pultney, Esq. By -- Esq.
- To Clarissa. By the same.
- Epigrams. By the same.
- To the Honourable ***. By William Whitehead, Esq.
- An Ode to a gentleman, on his pitching a Tent in his Garden. By the
- The Je ne scai quoi. A Song. By the same.
- An Ode on a distant prospect of Eton College. By the same.
- Ode. By the same.
- Ode, on the death of a favourite Cat. By the same.
- A Pipe of Tobacco: in imitation of several authors, Imitation 1: Colley
Cibber. A New Year's Ode; Imitation 2: Mr. Philips; Imitation 3: Mr. Thompson;
Imitation 4: Dr. Young; Imitation 5: Mr. Pope; Imitation 6: Dean Swift
- The Triumph of Indifference. By an unknown Hand.
- An Ode on Aeolus's Harp. By James Thomson, Esq; author of the Seasons.
- The Choice of Hercules. A Poem.
- The Enthusiast: or, the Lover of Nature. By the Rev. Mr. Joseph Warton.
- An Ode to Fancy. By the same.
- An Epistle from Soame Jennyns, Esq; in the country, to the Right Hon.
Lord Lovelace.
- The Art of Dancing. By the same.
- The Modern Fine Gentleman. By the same.
- The Modern Fine Lady.
- Genius, Virtue, and Reputation. A Fable.
- Ode to Wisdom. By Miss Carter.
- To a fine Gentleman, on his intending to cut down a Grove to enlarge
his Prospect. By the same.
- Ode to a Water-nymph. By Mr. Mason.
- Musaeus: A Monody to the memory of Mr. Pope, in imitation of Milton's
Lycidas. By the same.
- An Elegy written in a country Church-yard. By Mr. Gray.
- Hymn to Adversity. By the same.
- An Epistle addressed to Sir Thomas Hanmer, on his edition of Shakespear's
Works. By Mr. William Collins.
- A song from Shakespear's Cymbelline. Sung by Guiderus and Arviragus
over Fidele, supposed to be dead. By the same.
- The Hermit, a ballad. Supposed to be written to Dr. Goldsmith.
- Virgil's Tomb.
- The Link. A ballad.
- The Vanity of Human Wishes. The tenth satire of Juvenal, imitated by
Samuel Johnson, A.M.
- The Tears of Old May-day
Table of Contents, Volume 2:
- Song for Ranelagh. By Mr. Whitehead.
- The Monkies, a Tale. By the Rev. Mr. Merrick.
- The Revenge of America. By the Rev. Mr. Joseph Warton.
- The Dying Indian. By the same.
- The Pleasures of Melancholy. By the Rev. Mr. Thomas Warton.
- A Sonnet; written at W--. By the same.
- On Bathing. A Sonnet. By the same.
- The Lawyer's farewell to his Muse. By the same.
- Verses by Mrs. Madan, in her Brother's Coke upon Littleton.
- Ode on the Death of a favourite Bull-finch. By the Hon. Sir Charles
Hanbury Williams, Knt. of the Bath.
- Father Francis's Prayer. By the same.
- Ode performed in the Senate of Cambridge, 1749, at the Installation
of his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, Chancellor of the University. By Mr.
- Ode to Aeolus's Harp. By the same.
- A Song. By the same.
- Dennis to Mr. Thomson. By the same.
- The Goldfinches. An Elegy. By Mr. Jago.
- The Blackbirds. An Elegy. By the same.
- The Heroines, or Modern Memoirs. By Mr. Graves.
- Transcribed from the Rev. Mr. Pixel's Parsonage Garden near Birmingham,
- Ut Pictura Poesis. By Mr. Nourse.
- Song upon Miss Harriot Hanbury. By Sir Charles Hanbury Williams.
- To a Lady who sent Compliments to a Clergyman on the Ten of Hearts
- The Grotto. By the late Mr. Green.
- The Camelion: A Fable. By the same.
- Capt. Thomas to Capt. P -- at Fort Augustus
- The Country Parson
- Ode to a Lady in London. By Miss Carter.
- Ode to Spring. By Miss F.
- Ode to Cynthia. By the same.
- Ode to a Thrush. By Miss P.
- Ode to the Tiber. By W. Whitehead, Esq.
- Elegies. By the same. [Elegies I-IV]
- To a Lady on a Lanscape of her drawing. By Mr. Parrat.
- To a Lady very handsome, but too fond of dress. By the same.
- An Excuse for Inconstancy. By the Rev. Dr. Lisle.
- The Power of Music. A Song. By the same.
- Letter from Smyrna to his Sisters at Crux-Easton. By the same.
- Letter from Marseilles to the same. By the same.
- The History of Porsenna, King of Russia, in two Books. By the same.
- To Miss ****. By Miss Eliza Carter.
- Cynthia, an Elegiac Poem. By T. P--cy.
- Arion, an Ode. By Mr. Marriot.
- Epistle from Lord Viscount Bolingbroke, to Miss Lucy Atkins.
- An Ode to Sculpture.
- The Fable of Jotham: To the Borough-hunters. By R.O. Cambridge,
- The Fakeer. A Tale. By the same.
- Ode to Independency. By Mr. Mason.
- Ode to Melancholy. By the same.
- Ode. By Mr. Gray.
- Ode. By the same.
- Song by Lord Lyttleton.
- Epistle to a Lady. By -- Esq.
- The Tomb of Shakespear. A Vision. By J.G. Cooper, Esq.
- Love Elegies by Mr. Hammond. [Elegies I-XVI]
- Hymn to the Naids. By Dr. Akenside.
- Ode to the Rt. Hon. Francis Earl of Huntingdon. By the same.
- Inscriptions I-IV. By the same.
- Odes. By Dr. Akenside. [Odes I-X]
- Mary, Queen of Scots: An Elegy. By the same.
- Hengist and Mey: A Ballad. By the same.
- The Fatal Sisters: An Ode. By Mr. Gray.
- The Descent of Odin. By the same.
- The Beggar. By the same.