James Dix, Poets' Corner in Germany. (Leipzig: Heinrich Matthes, 1869)

Information about the collection: The frontispiece is a colored print of a vase of flowers and the epigraph to the volume is the Shakespearean passage on the poet's pen giving the "forms of things unknown" "a local habitation and a name." The TOC lists dates of birth and death and each poets is listed with 1-2 descriptive sentences (often just phrases), either of a biographical or critical quality. Because there is only about 1-4 poems for each author (the average seems to be about 3, with quite a few with 5, and 9 for Shakespeare), it seems still to be classifiable as a miscellany, but the distinctions seem less clear as the 19th century progresses.

Preface: Everybody who has visited London, or who has read of London, must recollect a small place in Westminster Abbey, called Poets' Corner. This place though insignificant in itself in appearance, is nevertheless of great importance, it being the same in character, as the Walhalla of Germany. Acting upon the all impressive feeling of preserving some remembrance of the great authors of England and America both living and dead, induced me to adopt this title for my compilation, and I hope and trust, that my labour has not been in vain.

Every care has been taken to render the work as complete as possible and my sincere wish is, that Poets' Corner may find a place in the library of every lover of English Poetry in the Fatherland.

Table of Contents:  Only the poets are here transcribed as they appear in the TOC (without the descriptive material and the names of the poems). I hope to get to type in the other information eventually.

Addison, Joseph
Akenside, Mark
Allston, Washington (An American)
Burns, Robert (A Scotchman)
Baillie, Joanna
Barnard, Lady (A Scotchwoman)
Bayly, Thomas Haynes
Beattie, James (A Scotchman)
Bennoch, Francis
Bloomfield, Robert
Bowles, William Lisle
Brooke, Henry (An Irishman)
Browning, Robert
Bryant, William Cullen (An American)
Butler, W.A. (An American)
Byron, Lord George Gordon
Campbell, Thomas
Chatterton, Thomas
Cherry, Andrew
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Collins, William
Cooke, Eliza
Cornwall, Barry (right name Bryan Walter Procter)
Cotton, Nathaniel
Cowley, Abraham
Cowper, William
Crabbe, George
Cunningham, Allan (A Scotchman)
Darwin, Erasmus
Denham, Sir John
Dibdin, Charles
Dickens, Charles
Drayton, Michael
Elliott, Ebenezer
Emerson, Ralph Waldo (An American)
Gay, John
Glover, Richard
Goldsmith, Oliver
Gray, Thomas
Green, Matthew
Heber, Reginald
Hemans, Felicia Dorothea
Herbert, George
Herrick, Robert
Hervey, Thomas B.
Hogg, James (A Scotchman)
Holmes, Oliver Wendell (An American)
Hood, Thomas
Howitt, Mary
Hume, Alexander (A Scotchman)
Hunt, James Henry Leigh
Jones, Ernest
Jones, William
Johnson, Samuel
Keats, John
Lamb, Charles
Landon, Letitia Elizabeth
Landor, Walter Savage
Langhorne, John
Llyd, Robert
Logan, John (A Scotchman)
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (An American)
Lyttleton, George
Macaulay, Thomas Babington
Mackay, Charles
Mallet, David
Marlow, Christopher
Marvell, Andrew
Massey, Gerold
Milman, Henry Hart
Milnes, Richard Monockton
Milton, John
Montgomery, James
Moore, Thomas
Motherwell, William
Norton, Caroline Elizabeth Sarah
Parnell, Thomas
Percy, Thomas
Philips, John
Poe, Edgar Allan (An American)
Pollok, Robert
Pomfret, John
Pope, Alexander
Pringle, Thomas
Rochester, John Wilmot Earl of
Rogers, Samuel
Roscommon, Wentworth Dillon Earl of
Scott, Sir Walter (A Scotchman)
Scott, John
Shakspeare, William
Dr. Sheckburg
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Shenstone, William
Shirley, James
Smith, Alexander (A Scotchman)
Smith, Horace
Smollett, Tobias
Somerville, William
Sotheby, William
Southey, Robert
Sprague, Charles
Suckling, Sir John
Surrey, Henry Howard Earl of
Swift, Jonathan
Talfourd, Thomas Noon
Tennyson, Alfred
Thomson, James
White, Henry Kirk
Wordsworth, William

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