Readings in Poetry: A Selection from the Best
English Poets, from Spenser to the Present Times; and Specimens of Several
American Poets. To which is prefixed a brief survey of the History of English
Poetry, 7th Edition (London: John W. Parker, 1843)
Information about the collection: "Published under the direction
of the committee of general literature and education, appointed by the
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (very short headnotes with biographical
information and a critical gloss of one or two sentences; 213 pp.)
The Preface: "In making these selections from the works
of our best English poets, the Editor has endeavoured to combine several
important objects. He has laboured to choose such extracts as convey some
useful and moral lesson, and, at the same time, best illustrate the style
of the respective writers. He has also been guided in his choice by an
anxiety to insert nothing that was beyond the level of a youthful capacity;
and, as it was manifestly impossible to find such in every poet's works,
he has added notes, explaining obsolete words, and allusions to historical
or mythological circumstances, not within the range of a school-boy's reading.
The extracts are arranged in chronological order, and may, therefore,
serve to illustrate the progress both of our language and literature. To
the collection are prefixed literary notices of the different writers: they
are necessarily brief, but they will, perhaps, have the effect of stimulating
the student to the exercise of his own taste and his own judgment.
The preliminary pieces prefixed to the extracts will be found to contain
more information respecting the nature of English poetry than is usually
contained in similar volumes. The writer has been as simple and brief as
he could; for his object is not to display multifarious learning, but to
simplify and condense the elements of knowledge.
Considerable additions have been made to the original selection, particularly
from the writings of American Poets, whose works were comparatively unknown
in this country until introduced by the Editor of the present volume."
Table of Contents:
- Preface
- Brief Survey of the History of English Poetry
- English Versification
- On Reading Poetry
- On the different Species of Poetry
- Addison, Joseph (b. 1672, d. 1719)
- Ode on the Creation
- Gratitude to God
- Confidence in God
- Paraphrase on Psalm XXIII
- Divine Mercy to the Penitent
- Akenside, Mark (b. 1721, d. 1770)
- The Flight of Imagination
- Moral Beauty
- Taste
- Atherstone, Edwin
- The Fall of Nineveh
- Burning of the Forest, and Battle by Night
- Barton, Bernard
- The Solitary Tomb
- A Poet's Noblest Theme
- A Colloquy with Myself
- Beattie, Dr. James (b. 1735, d. 1803)
- A Poet's Childhood
- The Sage
- Blair, Robert (b. 1699, d. 1746)
- The Grave
- Death
- The Entrance of Death into the World
- Bowles, Rev. W.L.
- Abba Thule
- Sun-dial in a Church-yard
- The Greenwich Pensioners
- Brooke, Henry (b. 1706, d. 1783)
- Burns, Robert (b. 1691, d. 1796)
- The Cotter's Saturday Night
- Lament for James, Earl of Glencairn
- Byrom, Dr. John (b. 1691, d. 1763)
- St. Philip Neri and the Youth
- The Country Fellows and the Ass
- The Pond
- Cambell, Thomas
- The Downfall of Poland
- Imagination -- Hope
- The Last Man
- To the Rainbow
- Hohenlinden
- Chatterton, Thomas (b. 1752, d. 1770)
- Hymn for Christmas-day
- The Copernican System
- The Resignation
- Coleridge, S.T.
- Hymn before Sunrise, in the Vale of Chamouny
- Tell's Birth-place
- Night
- The Dissolution of Friendship
- Collins, William (b. 1720, d. 1756)
- Cowper, William (b. 1731, d. 1800)
- The Winter Evening
- Praise of the Country
- Crabbe, George (b. 1754, d. 1832)
- An English Peasant
- The Patronized Boy
- Croly, George
- The Entry into Jerusalem
- The Dead Sea
- Bellator Moriens
- The Retreat of the French Army from Moscow
- Czerni George
- The Alhambra
- Jacob's Dream
- Dale, Thomas
- The Widow of Nain
- The Female Convict to her Infant
- Funeral Dirge (from the Widow of Nain)
- Davies, Sir John (b. 1570, d. 1626)
- The Immortality of the Soul
- Dryden, John (b. 1631, d. 1700)
- David's Friends
- A Dream
- Veni Creator
- Falconer, William (b. 1730, d. 1769)
- The Fallen Condition of Greece
- The Shipwreck
- Description of a Ninety-fun Ship
- Fletcher, Giles
- The Mourning of the Resurrection
- Fletcher, Phineas
- Intellect, the Prince of the Purple Island
- The Happiness of a Rural Life
- Gay, John (b. 1688, d. 1732)
- The Pin and Needle
- The Butterfly and the Snail
- The Turkey and the Ant
- The Hare and many Friends
- Gray, Thomas (b. 1716, d. 1771)
- The Progess of Poesy
- On Education
- Goldsmith, Oliver (b. 1731, d. 1774)
- Habington, William (b. 1605, d. 1654)
- The Brief Triumph of the Wicked
- Time
- Heber, Reginald (b. 1783, d. 1826)
- Palestine
- The Druses
- The Crusade
- Hymn, Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity
- An Evening Walk in Bengal
- Hemans, Felicia
- The Trumpet
- Ivan the Czar
- The Siege of Valencia
- Casablanca
- The Cid's Funeral Procession
- Herrick, Robert
- Hervey, T.K.
- My Sister's Grave
- The Convict Ship
- Hogg, James
- Elegy
- The Fate of Macgregor
- Howitt, William and Mark
- The Conqueror
- Telle est la Vie
- Johnson, Dr. Samuel (b. 1709, d. 1784)
- The Vanity of Human Wishes
- Keats, John (b. 1796, d. 1821)
- Ode to a Nightingale
- Robin Hood
- Milman, Henry Hart
- Hymn of the Captive Jews
- The Summons of the Destroying Angel to the City of Babylon
- The Fall of Jerusalem, Hymn
- Choral Hymn of the Jewish Maidens
- Milton, John (b. 1608, d. 1674)
- The Garden of Eden
- The Preparation for the Battle of the Angels
- Eve's Lament on her Expulsion from Paradise
- The Subsiding of the Waters of the Deluge
- Samson's Lament for the Loss of his Sight
- Description of a Lady Singing
- Description of a Storm
- Address to Light
- Satan's Address to the Sun
- Montgomery, James
- The Wanderer's Return
- Greenland
- The Pelican Island
- The Common Lot
- The Cast-away Ship
- A Mother's Love
- The Time-piece
- Montgomery, Robert
- Omnipresence of the Deity
- Lost Feelings
- London
- America
- Hymn of the Angels at the Birth of Christ
- Moultrie, Rev. J.
- Parnell, Thomas (b. 1679, d. 1717)
- Pollok, Robert (b. 1799, d. 1827)
- The Course of Time
- True Liberty
- The Death of the Young Mother
- Pope, Alexander (b. 1688, d. 1744)
- The Messiah
- The Dying Christian to his Soul
- The Medal
- The City and Country Mouse
- Prior, Matthew (b. 1664, d. 1721)
- Charity
- Solomon's Reflections on Human Life
- Rogers, Samuel
- The Pleasures of Memory
- Human Life
- To the Butterfly
- Italy
- The Sailor
- On a Tear
- Scott, Sir Walter (b. 1771, d. 1832)
- Pitt, Nelson, Fox
- Coronach
- Lament
- Lay of the Imprisoned Huntsman
- Voyage through the Western Isles
- On the Massacre of Glencoe
- The Aged Minstrel
- Melrose Abbey
- Battle of Beal'an Duine
- Death of De Boune
- Southey, Robert (b. 1774, d. 1843)
- The Widowed Mother
- The Voyage
- Mount Meru
- The Dog
- The Vale of Covadonga
- The Cataract of Lodore
- Spenser, Edmund (b. about 1553, d. 1599)
- Thomas, James (b. 1700, d. 1748)
- Showers in Spring
- A Tropical Storm
- Mists in Autumn
- Snow
- The Castle of Indolence
- Tickell, Thomas (b. 1686, d. 1740)
- To the Earl of Warwick, on the Death of Mr. Addison
- Warton, Thomas (b. 1728, d. 1790)
- The Crusade
- The First of April
- Watts, Alaric A.
- Evening, a Sketch
- Aetna, a Sketch
- An Epicedium
- White, Henry Kirke (b. 1785, d. 1806)
- A Hymn for Family Worship
- The Christiad (concluding Stanzas)
- The Shipwrecked Solitary's Song
- Elegy on the Death of Mr. Gill
- The Star of Bethlehem
- Wilson, John
- The Sea by Moonlight (from the Isle of Palms)
- The Ship
- The Shipwreck
- A Churchyard Scene
- Wordsworth, William
- Lament of Mary, Queen of Scots
- Obligations of Civil to Religious Liberty
- Fidelity
- Ruth
- To the Daisy
- Elegiac Stanzas
- Young, Edward (b. 1681, d. 1765)
- God's Address to Job
- The Horse
- The Behemoth and Leviathan
- Address to the Deity
American Poets
- Brainard, John G.C. (b. 1796, d. 1828)
- The Deep
- The Falls of Niagara
- Departure of the Pioneer
- Bryant, William Cullen
- The Murdered Traveller
- Song of the Stars
- The Death of the Flowers
- Dana, Richard H.
- Immortality
- The Buccaneer
- Doane, G.W.
- On the Death of Bishop Ravenscroft
- What is that, Mother?
- The Raising of Jairus's Daughter
- Eckhard, F.S.
- Finn, Henry J.
- Halleck, Fitz-Greene
- Irving, Washington
- Longfellow, W.H.
- Burial of the Minnisink
- Hymn of the Moravian Nuns
- Earth, with her thousand voices, praises God
- Mellen, Grenville
- The Air Voyage, a Vision
- Mount Washington
- On seeing an Eagle pass
- Neal, John
- Paulding, James K.
- Peabody, William B.O.
- The Autumn Evening
- Hymn of Nature
- The Rising Moon
- The Disembodied Spirit
- Percival, James G.
- The Coral Grove
- To the Eagle
- The Grave of the Indian Chief
- Pierpont, John
- The Pilgrim Fathers
- Napoleon at Rest
- Sands, Robert C.
- Sigourney, Lydia H.
- The Coral Insect
- Death of an Infant
- Flora's Party
- Sprague, Charles
- The Winged Worshippers
- Art
- Whittier, James G.
- The Minstrel Girl
- The Indian's Tale
- Wilcox, Carlos (d. 1827)
- Active Christian Benevolence
- Vernal Melody in the Forest
- The Sudden coming on of Spring
- Willis, Nathaniel P.
- The Soldier's Widow
- The Boy
- Saturday Afternoon
- The Leper
- Absalom
Miscellaneous Poems
- The Falls of the Passaic...Washington Irving
- The Cataract of Lodore...Southey
- The Burial of Sir John Moore...Wolfe
- Address to an Egyptian Mummy...Horace Smith
- The Answer of the Egyptian Mummy...Mummius
- Lines to an Alabaster Sarcophagus...N.P.S.
- Lines to the Western Mummy...Gallaudet
- Churchyard Scene...Wilson
- The Stranded Bark and the Life-boat...Anon
- An Evening Walk in Bengal...Bishop Heber
- The Invitation to Selborne...White
- The Stars...F.S.M.
- A Riddle...D.E.
- A Charade...Anon.
- Flora's Party...L.H. Sigourney
- The Calendar of Flora...C.Smith
- To the River Thames...Bird
- The Spanish Armada...Macaulay
- Art...Sprague
- What is Home?...Conder
- The Voyage of Life...Author of Richelieu
- The Forging of the Anchor...Blackwood's Magazine
- The Song of the Breeze...Eleanor Dickenson
- Nothing...Nemo
- Fairies' Vagaries...Shakspeare
- Can y Tylwyth Teg; or, the Fairies' Song...Old Song
- Robin Goodfellow...Ben Jonson
- The Fairies' Grotto...Shenstone
- Instruction...Bowring
- The Musk-rat...Anon
- The Casting of the Bell...Schiller
- Flowers...Pickering
- The First of April...Warton
- The Iceberg...Rockwell
- Ode to the Memory of Mr. Inchbald...J.P. Kemble
- Colloquy with Myself...Bernard Barton