Is Global English?
Rita Raley
This page comes out of research I did for my dissertation (and now book project), Global English in the Academy. I have put up a general description of my project, now quite a dated description, and some relevant links. For print publications, see
my articles: Page Created: December 1, 1997 [text completed in early
1998] [ description | links | universal languages | language and the internet | lexicology ]
Because the syntactical formulation "Global English" does not yet have an immediately obvious meaning, I'll begin with four instances of its use, culled from both academic and more general sources: 1)The Global English Newsletter
(from The English Company (UK) Ltd. and the British Councils "English
2000" Project) 2) David
Crystal, English as a Global Language (Cambridge UP, 1997)
3) The formulation makes an appearance in Rosemary Georges transnational literary study, The Politics of Home (Cambridge UP, 1996). "Global English" in Georges terms is more or less just a descriptive phrase for the imperial force of language and the new generation of cosmopolitan writers this force has produced. As such, it functions simply as a replacement term for "Literature in English." 4) Last, in software and related technological
circles, this phrase signifies a kind of dialect of English that is
presumed to be universally comprehensible. So, when Lotus advertises their
97 as one which "will be widely available in Global English from U.S.
resellers," this means the product has been encoded in a language that all
readers world-wide will find accessible. One consultant even
suggests that the phrase is synonymous with "simplified or international
The fallacy here is twofold: one, that Global English has been severed
from (regular?) English to such an extent that it has become a benign and
neutral means of international communication, without all of the attendant
anxieties about cultural imperialism; and two, that Global English has
been stripped of all of the ambiguities and complexities of (regular?)
English and is now immediately legiblethat it has gained another life as
an "easy" language designed never to mystify. See, for example, the
description of this software: My Description of Global English Now, my suggestion is that Global English has more to do with what lies behind its use by the British Council, by David Crystal, by Rosemary George, and by more general or popular publications. What lies behind its use in these contexts, in other words, is the idea that the potential for a unification and consolidation behind a global language does in fact exist, a notion that is dependent upon English itself as its very condition of possibility. Also, while it is generally taken to mean the literal spread of English throughout the world after the colonial period, "Global English" has now come to stand in as a manufactured historical and cultural condition constituted in part by the supposition that language has made it possible to elide or transgress the boundaries of nations and races. We are distinctly no longer in a moment of Thomas Babington Macaulay's "Minute on Indian Education"--a moment in which English and an English education can be imagined as the formers of an educated populace that is English in all but "blood and colour." The phrase is basically an impossible literalism in that Global English does not exist per se, yet one might still imagine and speak of a moment in which it could be a so-termed common language for the world. We are at a moment in history now in which English has been figured as both the fulfillment of the colonial promise of an all-pervasive, hegemonic system of language and as the sine qua non of the new world information order, a constitutive part of a global human society at the end of history. My manuscript, Global English and the Academy, thus comes out of a single question: What remains to be said once English is taken to be inevitably, ineluctably herenow that the power and status of the language is taken to be self-evident? The provisional answer is that we must come to know by what means it has achieved this kind of primacy and that a strictly economic approach to this problem cannot give full account of the linguistic ordering of English as a dominant, global language, for this has also to do with the evaluation of English as cultural capital. I posit that this incursion of English is absolutely bound up with the academyespecially with the evolving relation between learning English and learning literature in English as the two are legitimated within a common horizon of "use."
Anglikaans/Anglicaans, Anglonorsk, Arablish, Benglish, Chinglish, Deutschlish/Gerlish, Dutchlish, Eurolish, Franglais/Frenglish, Hindlish/Hinglish, Indonglish, Inglish, Italglish, Japlish/Janglish, Manglish, Minglish, Punglish, Russlish, Singlish, Spanglish, Swedlish, Taglish, Tamlish, Tinglish, Wenglish, Yinglish notes... [1] There is much more to say about the BC English 2000 project, which in some senses is simply a polling organization with a self-appointed global focus. Theyre known for example for questionnaires and surveys that test the global market for English language teaching in order to identify the hottest growth areas. <back> [2] I won't burden
you with endless examples of its use in reference to software here, but
running a web search will provide you with more if you'd like
them. a partial
list of artificial universal language projects...
-- Ramón Llull, Ars Magna
(13th Century) comments, criticisms, suggestions
welcome... [ top | description | links | universal languages | language and the internet | lexicology ] |
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Dept of English |
"Today, how can we not speak of the university?"
-- Jacques Derrida, "The Principle of Reason: The University in the Eyes of Its Pupils" |
Rita Raley